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Infertility Kannada


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Women trying to conceive often have depression rates similar to women who have heart disease or cancer.[18] Emotional stress and marital difficulties are greater in couples where the infertility lies with the man.[19] Older people with adult children appear to live longer.[20] Why this is the case is unclear and may dependent in part on those who have children adopting a healthier lifestyle, support from children, or the circumstances that led to not having children.[20] [edit] In many cultures, inability to conceive bears a stigma. The rising number of obese individuals may be due in part to an energy-rich diet as well as insufficient physical exercise.  In addition to other potential health risks, obesity can have a significant impact on male and female fertility. And as aging occurs, egg quality, or the likelihood of an egg being genetically normal, decreases as well. This technique involves an injection of a single healthy sperm directly injected into mature egg.

According to the Office on Women's Health, about a third of issues with infertility comes from women, and another third starts with men. These tests are used to determine gland failure or obstruction. Intra-uterine insemination for unexplained subfertility. The most common of these procedures are removal of all or part of the colon (colectomy), or removal of the kidney (nephrectomy). Patients with azoospermia should have a postejaculatory urine sample analyzed for sperm, should be evaluated for ejaculatory duct obstruction, and should undergo a hormonal evaluation. There are also a number of sperm production problems that can contribute to infertility, including: Scrotal varicose veins (varicoceles)  Scrotal varicose veins (varicoceles) are swollen veins causing your testicles to get hotter and affect the production of sperm  These are treated with surgery  Testicular injury   Serious trauma to the testicles such as becoming twisted (torsion) can affect sperm production  Damage from playing sports or an accident can rupture the vessels that supply blood to the testicles  Previous injuries can’t be treated, but an ART treatment may help you to conceive Undescended testicles  In the uterus, baby boys’ testicles form in their abdomen and descend into their scrotum shortly before birth  Some men’s testicles don’t descend before they are born (cryptorchidism), although in these cases they usually drop in the first six months after birth  If left untreated, undescended testicles can affect fertility Testicular cancer  This happens when a malignant tumour in the testicle destroys testicular tissue  If undetected, testicular cancer can spread to other parts of the body  This is treated either by surgery, medication, radiotherapy or chemotherapy  However, cancer therapy can also damage sperm production  Genetic defects  Sometimes, genetic information on the Y chromosome (which is only present in men) is deleted (micro-deletions),6 which can reduce the production of sperm  Depending on where the micro-deletion is on the chromosome, this may be treated by surgically extracting sperm from part of your reproductive tract  However, some couples may need to consider using a donor sperm to conceive Mumps Contracting mumps (or mumps-related orchitis) after puberty may damage the sperm-producing cells in your testicles,  causing infertility or subfertility7 Usually, only one testicle is affected and if you have one functioning testicle you may not need treatment  However, some couples may need to use a sperm donor in order to conceive Anti-sperm antibodies  Anti-sperm antibodies are large proteins in your blood that are hostile to sperm  They can cause sperm to clump together and prevent them from swimming, or they may mistake sperm cells for an infection and try to destroy them  This can be treated using an ART treatment   Lifestyle   Sperm production can be affected by a range of lifestyle factors, including smoking, drinking, drugs, stress, overweight and unhealthy food Environmental factors can also affect your sperm quality, including overheating of your testicles, some sexual lubricants, the chemicals involved in certain manufacturing, painting or printing jobs   These factors are treated by making lifestyle changes, such as wearing loose clothing to avoid overheating Hormonal problems  Hormonal problems are rarely the cause of male infertility problems  However, some men have a natural deficiency in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH), which prevents the testicles from producing testosterone or developing healthy sperm  Hormonal problems can usually be treated with medication Obstruction problems Blocked sperm ducts  Occasionally, male sperm ducts (epididymis and vas deferens) can become blocked, meaning that your semen doesn’t contain any sperm  This can be treated with surgery, or sperm may be surgically extracted from part of your reproductive tract  Vasectomy  Some men have had a previous vasectomy to stop them being able to conceive  This can sometimes be reversed using surgery  The procedure’s success depends on how long ago your vasectomy was performed  Previous infections  Infections can cause scarring or adhesions (organs sticking together) in your sperm ducts  This can usually be treated with surgery  Does age affect male fertility?

Here are Some More Resources on Anovulatory Infertility and Fertility

Anovulatory Infertility and Fertility

Below are Some Even more Resources on Infertility or Low Sperm Count

1) Advancing maternal age: Historically before the latter 20th century, women were conceiving in their teens and twenties, when age-related abnormalities with the egg were not evident. They should do so in the context of local and national priorities for funding and developing services, and in light of their duties to have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to reduce health inequalities. In current practice, an alternative for patients with more than 5 sizable follicles is to convert the treatment to IVF. The stimulation of follicular maturation is continued with HMG or FSH. Pelvic inflammatory disease or STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea may cause these blockages in the fallopian tubes.

Much more Resources For Infertility Kannada

Ovarian Transplantation in a Series of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Ovarian Failure. (PDF, 188 KB) The New England Journal of Medicine, 2007. The opening improves the ability of the embryo to implant into the uterine lining. You take gonadotropins that trigger the development of more than one egg. However, these tests have only poor to moderate predictive value despite widespread use. Immediate surgery is needed and, sadly, the tube on that side will be lost. Not long after, the United States delivered its first IVF baby, and the use of IVF has grown dramatically.

Even more Details About Anovulatory Infertility and Fertility

Ageing ” population ... chronic & degenerative diseases Multiple health problems are common in elderly people THE ... 8,26,27 As opposed to laparoscopy or hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography is a minimally invasive procedure with potentially therapeutic effects and should be considered before more invasive methods of assessing tubal patency. Pregnancy after Vasovasostomy for Vasectomy Reversal: A Study of Factors Followed for 10 Years. (PDF, 3 MB)Human Reproduction, 1989. A frequency of intercourse less than once per week results in a probability of conception of about 17% within 6 months. A small incision is made in the abdomen, and a thin, flexible microscope with a light at the end, called a laparoscope, is inserted through it. Risk factors Risk factors that increase the risk include: Smoking significantly increases your risk of infertility Age: The ability to conceive starts to fall around the age of 32 years. 29 When the semen analysis is abnormal, referral to a male fertility specialist or reproductive endocrinologist is warranted. A doctor or WHNP takes a medical history and gives a physical examination. It stimulates the ovaries to mature egg follicles. This results in negative feedback stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, causing an increase release of gonadotropins and testosterone. The views expressed in this material are those of the authors, and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U. Metformin (Glucophage): If Clomifene is not effective, metformin may help women with PCOS, especially when linked to insulin resistance. Cystic fibrosis CF is the most common genetic disorder in whites. Combined infertility[edit] In some cases, both the man and woman may be infertile or sub-fertile, and the couple's infertility arises from the combination of these conditions. Abnormal semen may not be able to carry the sperm effectively.

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See also
Infertility in Marriage Pdf
Meaning of Infertility in Urdu
Infertility Vitamin Deficiency